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As a Main Roads accreddited enterprise THEM Earthmoving Pty Ltd offers an extensive diverse fleet of earthmoving and construction machinery. Within the fleet THEM operates machinery ranging from small equipment such as skid steer loaders to large-scale machinery including dump trucks. The diverse fleet and skilled staff allow us to operate within the agricultural, civil and mining sectors.

Stephen's O'Brien experience and unique way of thinking along side the hard work of employee's has allowed THEM Earthmoving to undertake a large and diverse scope of work with the different sectors with specialisations in Flood Damage Road Repairs, Mining Earthworks

Including but limited to

  • Clearing

  • Demolition

  • Excavation including use of rock breaker and crusher

  • Mining earthworks

  • Agricultural earthworks

  • Rock armoring

  • Dam and/or other water body construction and restoration

  • Bulk transportation

  • Maintenance grading

  • Road sheeting

  • Final trim grading

  • Asphalt preparation works

  • Front end loader works

  • Dump truck works

  • Dozer works

  • Roller works


Murchison flood damage and Ballinyoo Bridge

Within this package the Ballinyoo Bridge was demolished and replaced. It was the second concrete bridge built in WA and was the oldest until it was replaced. A section of the old bridge can be found on the Carnarvon-Mullewa Road. We are proud to be apart of this piece of the states history.

Additional to the demolition of bridge THEM completed flood damage roads works. Which involves process' such as developing gravel pits, resheeting, concrete stabilising and grading.


Useless Loop Flume and Seroja Repairs

Over the last 10 years THEM has undertaken several projects for Shark Bay Resources.

During our time onsite THEM demolished and replaced the flume that supplies Useless Loop's salt ponds with water.

Cyclone Seroja (2021) struck the Midwest and Gascoyne regions hard. Useless Loop had several breeches opening their salt ponds to open ocean. The biggest being over 30m wide. We undertook the task of closing the breaches.

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